Wednesday, April 15, 2009

THE LUMBER JACK COMETH --- 3rd Story ---

As Prince Rayle sat upon the stern of the floating Reaver he grinned ever so slightly as he saw the first glimpse of his prey. The poor poor wood elves and tree folk, or bark eater's as they were commonly called by member's of the House of Ados were milling about the shore line, fresh off what looked like a long pillage across the sea. Little did they know that the Prince is coming, the Prince is going to draw first blood. To the wood elves, it seemed a storm was moving fast to their east off the sea, harsh waves crashing, lightening streaking the sky and thunder booming, this was not a natural storm, it was something... different. Then in what seemed slow motion the dark ominous clouds started to part. Out of the darkness a floating Reaver appeared. The wood folk confused by the sudden sight of their hated cousins stirred chaos and uncertainty. As the Reaver crashed into the shore line the front opened and dark elves began to pour out.

The dark elves of the House of Ados were adept fighters and masters of their trade, quickly and efficiently formed into their battle lines. The most prominent procession to exit the reaver was the Grail Guard of Lord Nadan led by Prince Rayle himself. Prince Rayle and the Grail Guard marched to the front of the battle lines with his Dark Riders covering both his right and left flanks. As the Dark Riders were covering the flanks the regiment of the Cold One Knights quickly advanced beside the Grail Guard and the Prince. As the forces of Ados crossed the shoreline to advance into the treekin and wood elves a small regiment of almost ghost like wood elves rained a volley of arrows upon the corsairs that were not moving as fast as the rest of the Ados advancement. The corsairs deftly twisted and turned using their magical sea dragon cloaks to help deflect the incoming arrows, alas not all the corsairs twisted as deftly as others and three were lost to arrows to the head. As quickly as the corsairs twisted and turned to deflect the arrows they also in a motion following the deflection raised their own hand bows unleashing an equally dark rain of arrows in the direction of the ghost like wood elves. Not knowing what damage the corsairs had done to the wood elf ghosties they turned their attention back to the oncoming forest of Treekin rapidly approaching the corsairs flank. The lead corsair once again ordering his troops to raise their hand bows. Without flinching he gave the order to stand their ground and open fire. This time though, the treekin bark prooved more resiliant to the small arms fire of the corsairs hand bow, the treekin losing only 1 of their kin to a hand bolt to the eye. As the treekin smashed into the ranks of the corsairs another rather elegant woodelf on a horse simultaneously smashed into the flank of the corsairs causing mass casualties to the regiment and killing the champion, resulting in a break of rank and a mad dash back to the massive Reaver.

On the other side of the shoreline the Prince and Grail Guard beside the regiment of Cold One's quickly marched up field. As the dark riders covered the flanks of their prince they noticed more treekin blending into the treeline that skirted the shore. As the dark riders on the east side of the shore began to reach a full gallop they were pelted with arrow shots from another treeline, reducing the unit size by half. The Prince and the Grail Guard would not falter and continued to press the battle line by recklessly advancing. Then in one swift move the treeline seemed to come alive and charge the Prince and the Grail Guard, at that exact moment another set of mysterious wood elves began to do a quick chant and exotic dance then they too charged the Grail Guard and Prince from the flank. With an explosion of bark and steel the Grail Guard whipped and whirled the massive crimson headed halberds as they had done to countless foes before. With a sudden realization of impending death the mystical dancing wood elves, what was left of them, broke the engagement and scattered back into the treeline, the treekin were not as fortunate and with a blood lust and zeal rarely seen the Prince and the Grail Guard reduced their foes into splinters. In the after math of this fight the Prince turned his gaze to the rest of the shoreline to find the Cold Ones being helped by the other unit of Dark Riders, overrunning the last of the treekin on the battle field. A bright start for the dark elf known as Prince Rayle.

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